Who we are


Radarmeteo was founded in 2007, as a result of the extensive, well consolidated operational experience in meteorology and climatology of its founder Massimo Crespi: former Inspector of the State Forestry Corps, Director of the Experimental Centre for Avalanches and Hydrogeological Defence in Arabba (Veneto Region), Director of the Meteorological Centre in Teolo (Veneto Region), Director of Research and Communication of ARPA Veneto, Director General of Planning and Programming of the Veneto Region, National Delegate at the UN WMO (World Meteorological Organization), Director of the Environmental and Hydrological Monitoring Centre of the European Union in Asunción (Paraguay).

Company Profile

Since 2007 Radarmeteo has been developing and supplying ISO 9001-certified platforms, applications, data and solutions for weather and climate monitoring and operational support.

Radarmeteo brought to the market the first unified national database to collect and store data from more than 11,000 Italian and European meteorological sensors. Its activities have been consolidated in time and today constitute a benchmark for the decision-making processes used by organisations and businesses and for meteorological risk assessments applied in numerous fields.

Offering solutions to improve the safety and performance of activities affected by weather events, and meeting the challenges posed by climate change, means providing concrete answers to economic development and contributing to the dissemination of a meteorology model, based on the value of history, culture, and society, that is capable of recognising and interpreting future scenarios determined by global heating.

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Mission & Vision

In a country criss-crossed by widely differing meteorological systems and subject to increasingly frequent, intense extreme weather events, Radarmeteo proposes itself as an independent service provider for the national and international market and, at the same time, applies a meteorology model open to everyone at all levels and of all cultures.

By adding value to the global set of observational data, Radarmeteo develops innovative, sustainable products and services to support all activities, operations and decision-making areas affected by the weather. In addition, it shares the flow of representative meteorological data — useful to understanding the dynamics and implications of global heating — with society as a whole so that everyone can provide informed participation in its mitigation.
These challenges require specialists and substantial research & development investments, the growth of which is also encouraged by European policy.

While innovation shapes the company and its future — as each year technological developments determine new needs — the true corporate capital is its people, those who integrate and develop corporate know-how along three main lines: the market, when it expresses its needs; continuous technological upgrading, when Radarmeteo advises the market; and the greater social interest, when the company contributes to climate neutrality policies.

For a systemic vision of the aspects linked to climate change, it was considered crucial and strategic to involve those organisations, foundations and entities that represent the agricultural, environmental and cultural world in the company’s projects, the aim being to jointly develop a new approach to climate.

Our People & Company Welfare

Weather and climate dynamics are always presenting new objectives and challenges and require ever evolving strategic development which, for a small company, means large investments in economic but above all human terms.

People are the foundations on which the company has been built. Indeed, it is thanks to its people that the company has grown and now stands out on the market for its high dynamism. It has a team of young specialists — under 35 — with remarkable academic backgrounds and a wide range of transverse skills (atmospheric physics, environmental engineering, computer science, data science, oceanography, agronomy, ecology, forestry and anthropology) and often with international experience.

The company applies a welfare policy that rewards its employees with permanent employment, a bonus scheme, annual contractual “loyalty” increases, integration of severance pay, facilitations and support for those returning from abroad, and even participation in the share capital.


Massimo Crespi


General direction

Andrea Chini


Direction of Administration and Sales

Francesco Dell’Orco

Chief Sales Officer


Elisa Bortoli

Weather Software Developer

Daniele Giongo

Weather Software Developer

Risk Management

Elia Benzoni

Insurance & Agrometeorology Data Analyst

Antonio Frigioni

Insurance & Agrometeorology Manager

Weather Networks

Andrea Bertolini

Weather Networks Project Manager

Forecasting and Operational Support

Marco Biagioli


Nicola Carlon

Weather Modeller

Lorenzo Catania

Senior Meteorologist

Lorenzo Cima

Senior Meteorologist

Martina Rampoldi


Ascanio Luigi Scambiati


Brando Trionfera


Michele Valentini

Senior Meteorologist

Elia Lombardi


Administration, Sales and Communication

Giorgia Adelaidi

Administrative Assistant

Anna Gallimberti

Administrative Assistant

Luca Sancini

Marketing & Communication Manager

Alessandro Zampieri

Junior Sales Account

Quality Policy

Within a context of formal, contractual or otherwise evidential use, as well as open dissemination to the general public, the collection and processing of meteorological data require various levels of compliance, starting with verification of sensors, and continuing with the validation and control of both the data and how they are processed.

These processes are also guaranteed by application of the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 25000 Quality Systems for the provision of professional weather services and software applications.



AISAM – Associazione Italiana di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e Meteorolologia

Radarmeteo is a member of the Board of Directors and of the Assembly of CINEAS, a non-profit organization that aims to spread culture and managerial training in the global management of risks and claims. It works to create new, highly specialized skills and professionalism, pooling skills and knowledge of the insurance and industrial sectors, institutions, healthcare, infrastructure and the academic world.

CINEAS – University Consortium for Insurance Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano

Radarmeteo is a member of the Board of Directors and of the Assembly of CINEAS, a non-profit organization that aims to spread culture and managerial training in the global management of risks and claims. It works to create new, highly specialized skills and professionalism, pooling skills and knowledge of the insurance and industrial sectors, institutions, healthcare, infrastructure and the academic world.

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ANRA – National Association of Risk Managers and Corporate Insurance Managers

Radarmeteo is a member of ANRA, the Association which aims to protect and promote the professional activities represented, carrying out cultural activities, training and professional updating, through appropriate initiatives in the fields of corporate risk management and insurance. It promotes and encourages the exchange of ideas, experiences and information on corporate risk management, insurance policy, definition and management of insurance contracts. ANRA proudly contributes to the progress and diffusion, in public and private companies, public and private organisations and bodies, of risk management techniques and insurance contracts, promoting and sponsoring the organization of training courses, professional updating and any other appropriate initiative.

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Smart Agrifood Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano

Radarmeteo is a member of the Smart AgriFood Observatory, which aims to become the national reference point to in-depth understanding of the digital innovations (process, infrastructural, application, HW and SW) that are transforming the agricultural and agri-food chain, unifying the main skills needed: economic-managerial, technological, agronomic.

The objective of the Observatory is to convey the results of the Research to decision makers, creating opportunities for meetings and discussions between stakeholders to promote dialogue and innovation of value, and to create culture, spreading information and knowledge on digital innovation in the industry.

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Radarmeteo founded this company with 2 other partners (Ideare Srl and Arcadia Srl), with the aim of providing GIS and cadastral services, while contributing to the rapid evolution of the national agricultural insurance market. Being equipped with a significant experience in the digitization of processes and DB and DB, the company can face the new market challenges, such as the development of new policies, the mutual aid system, and interaction with national and EU procedures.


Manifesto of the agri-food chain 4.0

Together with Coldiretti, Radarmeteo is the first signatory of the Manifesto, which hopes for the adoption of a national plan for the rapid transition to digital and the revaluation of “made in Italy” food.

IFAB – International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development

Radarmeteo is part of the IFAB affiliate network, a foundation based in Bologna that was founded with the aim of consolidating the scientific and technological expertise available in Italy, promoting the integration between research system and business system. Founded by the Emilia-Romagna Region, it now has more than 36 members, large, medium and small companies and associations that recognize data and innovation as a form of competitive advantage for the future. The IFAB’s mission is to promote the development of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies and innovative scientific methods for sustainable human development, as directed by the United Nations.

Discover more


Radarmeteo supports and sponsors important conference and dissemination initiatives that spread awareness of climate change and innovation in meteorology.


Radarmeteo sponsors some amateur, youth and senior sports in the Veneto area, making a modest contribution to this sector.


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