Research & Development
For an innovative company, what do participating in R&D projects, passing selection by local and European bodies, acquiring public resources and co-financing, entering into international partnerships really mean?
There is more than one answer, because operating in this arena means:
- that the company is on firm footing in the innovation market, meeting the requirements that define it as “innovative”,
- that it is structurally projected towards change, able to focus its services towards new market demands,
- that it has the know-how — and hence the right people — to achieve those goals,
- that it seeks to measure itself against other competitors and be judged by the analysts,
- that the corporate identity is R&D-oriented, able to transform technological achievements into innovations in both products and services.
For a small company, it may seem incorrect to speak of R&D, but today’s digital world enables everyone to have a voice.
European projects and funding
EU-funded Research & Development activities
FENOMETEO – Phenology and risk managment
An innovative project aimed at achieving reliable insurance parameters, identifying correlations between phenology, meteorology and damage.
REACT – REsilience and Adaptive CapaciTY in agriculture
The platform that gathers, integrates and intelligently uses data to improve the management of agricultural practices.
BODI – BOllettino fitosanitario Digitale / Digital phytosanitary report
The app that provides winegrowers with an optimal, sustainable way to manage phytosanitary treatments.
WATCH – Decision support system for sustainable WATer management in agriculture under Climate cHange
The decision support system for correct management of water resources in agriculture
RESA – Remote Sensing for Agriculture
Support to optimise agricultural production by integrating weather information into agro-meteorological models.
RADROAD – RADarmeteo smart ROAD system
The project to provide support for road managers during adverse weather conditions.
W.I.S.E. – Wastewater Integrated System Enhancement
The decision support system to integrate wastewater system planning and management.
IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and development of innovative digital meteorological products
The corporate project for the development of certified digital systems and products.
The corporate training project to develop skills and a digital approach to weather services.
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