Transport and roads

Transport and roads

The management of road and railway networks is particularly demanding during the winter season. Ice, snow, freezing rain, fog, and rime have a significant impact on the operational organisation of the Managers and on the safety of users. While these meteorological phenomena are expected and managed as a matter of course in mountainous areas, they can pose a critical problem in lowland areas or in territories with usually milder climates, where there is a lack of local custom and organisational experience. Radarmeteo has structured a comprehensive decision support system in relation to the different weather conditions, current and expected. The service is modular: in normal times this is managed by issuing weather reports, while during critical issues the operations room comes into effect where the meteorologist directly assists the operations manager, providing a continuous picture of the phenomena taking place in the area and of their evolution.


RoadCast® e RailCast®

These are the operational support services specifically designed for road and rail traffic managers; they are focused both on typically winter phenomena (snow, ice, freezing rain, fog) and purely summer ones (storms, heavy rains, etc.)

The service includes a daily analysis of weather conditions scheduled for the following 72hrs and 24/7/365 monitoring and support during meteorological phenomena of critical impact for the customer, through sending of weather reports with text and images and with direct support of the Operations Room team.

The monitoring is carried out by the team of professional Meteorologists and focuses on the phenomena of interest to the customer (snow, ice, heavy rain, fog, ice formation, etc.) and on thresholds that can be set and customised for specific needs.

The customer has access to the dedicated service portal where he can interactively consult the forecast and nowcasting weather reports, easily share information, and access the archive of all documents issued


The interactive web platform in which all operational weather services and products are integrated; it is easy to consult and provides immediate, global, and shared information on current weather events and their evolution, to facilitate decision making even in complex organisational contexts.

Access to the platform allows one to obtain a complete and real-time overview of the state and evolution of the weather situation; the user can view radar weather data, in situ weather station data, forecast models and other Radarmeteo services. All on the WebGIS system.

Weather radar has the function of detecting atmospheric precipitation (rain, hail, and snow) in real time. Radarmeteo collects the data detected by the various national radars and integrates them into the dedicated mosaic plot; has also developed the Nowcasting functionality for short-term forecasting.

The platform and related services are optimised for access from all mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), allowing quick and mobile consultation of weather data.


The service that displays on an interactive map the referenced weather data of snowfall accumulated for the entire national territory and in high resolution, integrating radar measurements with those coming from in situ meteorological stations.

The service provides an extremely clear and updated representation in real time (every 60 minutes) of the distribution of snowfall of the last 72hrs and their measurement. All data are also historicised, archived and therefore available for the analysis of past events.

The SnowGis® algorithm integrates the pluviometric data of the weather stations installed in the area and the data of the approximately 40 radars present throughout Italy and the neighbouring countries, which allow uniform coverage of the national territory.

In addition to the display on the map, the service allows the user to view and export weather data in graphical/tabular format, or to directly integrate the output of the algorithm into the customer’s systems/platforms through dedicated APIs.


Customers who support our growth

Radarmeteo collaborates with road, motorway and railway operators of different sizes and with different organizational characteristics, adapting the services and the business model to the requests of the interlocutor. This allows at the same time a very lean relationship, dedicated to the identification of ad hoc solutions, and maximum customer satisfaction.